Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ethical Marketing

When we attend an internet marketing training course, seminar or talk, or even reading about internet marketing, we are often told to apply the tactic of time urgency to influence our prospects to buy from us.

This advice comes from the fact that if the prospects do not buy immediately, the chances are they may not buy later. Therefore, this trick is to create the pressure on them to buy from you now, or they will miss the special offer.

Here are some examples of marketing pitches that use such limited time or limited quantity tricks. Note that in all the examples below, the products are all digital products.

“Click the Buy Now Button Now Below, Get it for $19.95 Before this Special Offer is Over”

“I am giving this bonus to the first 50 people who take action as a reward for fast response.”

“This special limited offer we are proud to present the introduction of our journals. We offer you: …”

“Only Today: 5 bonuses completely FREE to you!”

It is not difficult for one to realize the dishonesty in what the marketers claim. Perhaps, only the very inexperienced and the more gullible may fall prey to such trickery.

My belief is to stay clear of such unethical practice. Instead, focus on the benefits of your products and how they can help solve your prospects' problems. A good marketer is one who sells solutions to prospects whose problems your products solve and not selling products to people that do not really need them.

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